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About Mumsy_edited.jpg

Hi! I'm Sonia.
But you can call me Mumsy!

I have been a wife for over forty years, I'm the mother of eight, and the grandmother of seven! Above all of that, I am a follower of Jesus Christ!


I've been sewing since I was very young, beginning with a couple of projects in a Home Ec. class at school.


Then, when I was 13, I spent some time in the summer visiting my Great Aunt Nell. She taught me so much, and it was with her that I made my very first quilt block.


She let me use her Log Cabin pattern pieces and fabric and I sewed them together on her treadle sewing machine. The pattern pieces were made of sandpaper so they wouldn't slip. There was planted the appreciation for and love of making quilts.


When I was 15, I sewed the bridesmaids dresses for my sister's wedding. A few years later, I designed and made my own wedding dress, sewing it on a treadle machine, as well.


I have since made or altered numerous wedding dresses, as well as helping to design and create dresses of all kinds.


One of my favorite ideas was to incorporate pieces of my wedding dress in creative ways for my children's weddings. As an example, I used some of my own lace to make hand covers for one of my daughters.


Most of the projects I've taken on were purely out of love for the recipients and for the craft, although I have made a few things to order.


Sewing is one of my passions, but not just sewing. I love the challenges that come with creating a pattern from scratch. I love coming up with new ideas and watching them go from my mind, to paper, to finished product!


Some of the projects that I've had a blast working on include: costumes, quilts, custom items for special needs, and everyday items!


Designing and creating sewing projects aren't my only hobbies. I also enjoy cooking and having a blast making my own recipes. April Fools day is always wacky good fun at our dinner table!


I do what I do for the love of it, and I hope that by sharing what I have learned over the years, I will be helping to aid others in doing what they love as well!

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